Kids who would be Realtors


You may dream about your kids someday becoming scientists, doctors, or attorneys, but wouldn’t it be better for them to gravitate toward something that utilizes their entire skill set — such as real estate?

What? Not what you had in mind?

Fret not, Mom and Dad. Many Realtors out-earn those in the “professions” many times over. Chances are good, however, that top agents already possessed the kinds of skills they needed for their fast-moving, lucrative careers from childhood. You’ll know them when you see them.

Negotiation is an art form. That pair of overalls your daughter keeps wearing every day? You’ve told her a million times they’re on their last legs, since they are torn, faded, and buttons have come off. But she somehow convinced you that it makes no sense to buy her new ones, since she will continue to retrieve them from the trash anyway. And she promises not to wear them in front of Grandma and Grandpa. Or perhaps your son convinced you to buy him that video game, but only after he wore you down, telling you he’d mow the lawn more often if you bought it for him ahead of time. Okay, we won’t call this manipulation. We’ll call it deal-making in its most elementary form. Realtors must possess skills like this to keep transactions together — a figurative combination of their future roles shrinks, attorneys, and a peacemakers.

They know it’s all about location, location, location. Your kid knows the teacher can’t see him at the back of the class texting his friends if her view of him is obscured. Or your daughter knows she can keep an eye on the guy she likes if she sits behind him. Multi-tasking and keen observance define them. They can somehow keep track of what tomorrow’s assignment is without compromising their own personal agendas.

You can’t figure out where their extra money comes from. They hawk homemade bracelets, help other kids with their homework for pay, or scalp concert tickets in the halls between classes, at lunchtime and after school. Oh, they appreciate the paltry allowance you give them, but it’s just not enough to cover their needs. Future real estate agents know they’ll have to live on commissions (as well as their wits) someday, so they start practicing young.

When everyone else is playing house, your kid is rearranging and "staging" her bedroom. She knows it’s all about presentation and the appearance of spaciousness, so she finds ways to organize her own environment to give herself a sense of peace as well as impress her friends. There is no substitute for design acumen.

He always has something to say and will find a way to say it. The future Realtors of America are not shy, retiring types. They tend to be leaders, always trying to come up with solutions. He runs for school office or graces the debate team with his logic and articulate ways. He may be transparent about the truth, but he tries to present it in ways that do not offend. He knows attracting the broadest range of client types someday is important, so he becomes versed in diplomacy.

She is a risk taker. While she is appreciative of being handed things, she thrives best on earning her accomplishments. No worries. She isn’t out to eat anyone else’s lunch. But she will make sure she positions herself to win. And she is anything but a cubicle-sitter. While she might be willing to work a few jobs to attain some financial independence at first, her goal is to avoid having to take orders, punch a time clock or be told when she can take a coffee break. Yet once she is in her “element” she will work twice as many hours per day than her paycheck-receiving friends — including weekends and evenings — to earn her stripes and develop a loyal clientele. She knows her reputation is based on the service and savvy she offers others.

Source: TBWS

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©2015 Finance of America Mortgage LLC | Equal Housing Lender | NMLS 1071

Thomas Werbeckes

Mortgage Advisor

NMLS: 1543335

Finance of America Mortgage

6900 S McCarran Blvd #2020, Reno NV

Company NMLS: 1071

Office: 775-332-6629

Cell: 775-742-9128




Thomas Werbeckes


Mortgage Advisor

NMLS: 1543335

Cell: 775-742-9128

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